Zine Fest Nelson will happen on Saturday from 10am to 4pm, 26 October 2024. At Nelson’s Founders Park in
The Granary. 87 Atawhai Drive in Nelson.
See more about the space here.
This event will celebrates zines, self-published works, book-artists and independent creative book makers. Each stall holder will get half or full table depending on how many zine you want to sell. You will be responsible for selling your own zines and decorating your own table on the day. You will get a table and chair. The venue is lovely, welcoming and in Nelson City district. The only requirement for having a stall is that it's primarily zines! Prints, stickers and merchandise are great but they shouldn't be most of your table. To apply fill in from in link below.
A zine is a small-circulation, self-published work, typically spanning 4-32 pages and often reproduced via a copy machine. Zines encompass a variety of categories, including comic books, poetry, literature, manifestos, music, and various other art forms.
Zine Fest Nelson aims to unite the local community in celebrating the rich history and ongoing relevance of zine culture. As a creative, inclusive, and DIY platform, the festival will offer artists, writers, and other creatives from Nelson and across New Zealand a chance to showcase their work, fostering networking, community, collaboration, and innovation.
To celebrate creative freedom and expression through the art of zine making. Zines, with its roots in the underground, have historically provided a powerful outlet for artists, marginalised voices and those outside mainstream media. As a tactile medium, zines allow creatives, musicians, performers, chiefs, poets, comic books writers and many others to share their messages through self-published distribution.
Zine Fest Nelson is generously sponsored by Nelson City Creative Communities Scheme. Which means this event is free to participate and it will also be free to attend.
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